Online education was present way before the Covid-19 pandemic. But it has proven its significance during the lockdown. It wouldn’t be inappropriate to say that online learning has changed education worldwide.
In the previous times, without the help of technology education would have been completely stopped. But due to the internet and ease of access over individual devices that everybody owns, it has become a norm to process information and access education.
Not only learning, but online education has changed the form of assignment help and other submissions. From schools and colleges to researchers and online degree holders, all have embraced online learning by now. Let’s see what are the changes caused by Online Education.
Non-stop Access To Learning
In the past, education was confined to the classroom. It was not accessible if you were not physically present in the school. Students had to travel to their school buildings to learn. And they had to rely on books and blackboards to gain knowledge.
But with the help of online education, learning is accessible from anywhere. There are many forms of media- videos, podcasts, online tutorials as well as many Edtech companies offering students tutorials, online assignment help, and online courses.
- Open For All Education.
- With the help of online technology, education is no longer dependent on teachers or professors.
- In the past, if you wanted to enroll in a course, you had to go through this many steps:
- go to a college or university,
- fill out the papers
- pay the fees
- and take the admission.
Students had to follow a pre-scheduled timetable for the classes and if they were working, it was much more difficult to juggle between the job and classes.
But with online learning, you can enroll in any courses or skill classes without ever going to the college building. That too from the comfort of your home.
Now, there are many experts available online at varying rates. Also, you can even submit your homework and Lab report writing from home.
Anytime Anywhere Learning
For example, if you are busy for the whole day, you can now come home and study by just logging into the school account. Or if you want to look for content in your essays, you don’t have to abide by the library hours. You can get online essay help with a click over the internet.
Changing Forms of Education And Homework
As discussed above, teachers and textbooks were the primary sources of learning in the past. Now with the help of online education, many platforms are changing the way we learn things.
The submission or help in homework, assignments, and projects have changed. You can submit your copy of homework via email, Google docs, or can directly upload it on the school website.
You can ask for online assignment help, access video tutorials, etc. You can embed different media such as audio, video, images, or a program in your homework, now.
Global Connectivity
Let’s say, you are learning about the penguins of Antarctica. You can now virtually join an expedition with the scientists’ team that is working there. You can watch, learn, ask doubts, connect and even provide input if you want. You can also connect with people with similar interests all around the world. All this has been achieved by online learning technology.
Improved Performance of Students
At the beginning of the pandemic, students, teachers, and parents were skeptical about the effectiveness of the online mode of learning in the place of conventional learning. There were some initial struggles like- limited access to the internet in remote areas and no availability of smart devices with every student.
But now, many surveys have shown that students are coping and performing better in online mode than the offline mode of teaching; provided regular attendance and a well-designed curriculum.
Self Learning Promoted
Online learning has rendered the teacher or professor, not a primary source of information. But as a guide or mentor, who supports and promotes self-learning among the students.
With the help of technology, it is easier to search, find, learn and develop new things and skills. With multimedia tools accessible to the students, they explore, develop their critical thinking, and learn new concepts all by themselves.
It does not mean that teachers are no longer necessary, rather teachers have more empowering roles to play than just reciting syllabus by students.
Here are some ways online education has changed conventional learning
There are many drawbacks or disadvantages of a full online mode of learning, but we cannot deny the much-needed progress and opportunities that came with online education.
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