If you love to go camping, travelling, or road-tripping, you must have heard of a few things that are marketed to give you a more enjoyable experience when doing these activities. It includes what essentials to bring, clothes to wear, food to cook, and where to store these foods and drinks. More specifically, you may have seen advertisements or stores selling you a portable fridge that is said to benefit campers and other people drastically. So, if you happen to be one of those who have decided to buy a portable fridge, accessories, and maybe some spare parts, here are a few tips before purchasing one.
Determine what size you need
Portable fridges come in various sizes to accommodate other people’s needs. Some can only fit food and drinks suitable for two, while more than ten people can use some. The most common one is 40L in size, perfect if you, a friend, and maybe another one is going on a long trip or a camp. If you use it to store snacks and food for a larger group, you can choose a bigger size. Aside from this, when selecting the size to buy, you should also consider how it would fit in your car because some measures are only suitable for bigger cars or trucks. The fridge’s weight is also significant to note because it may affect your whole camping or travelling experience.
List down your budget
Like other appliances, portable fridges in the market have different price points, significantly depending on the features and additional accessories. A common-sized one will typically cause around 800-1500 dollars, so setting a budget before a fridge hunt is crucial. However, spending a bit more is nothing compared to getting a high-quality and durable fridge that you can use for years.
Check the specifications
While the aesthetics of the fridge can be one factor you can consider, it is more important to check the specifications first. For a portable fridge, some of the essentials you should look at are the following: current drain, temperature range, and overall construction. For example, it would be better for the current drain to choose a fridge that does not drain too much of your car battery. This means looking for a low current drain because it means having a refrigerator that would last your whole camp trip. On the other hand, for the temperature range, look for one that has the right temperature to keep your frozen food and other snacks fresh and cold. Lastly, you can check how the hinges work and what materials were used for the overall construction.
Buy from a trusted store
If you buy a portable fridge, make sure you get one from an authorised seller or manufacturer, may it be online or physical. You would not want to waste your money buying from an unauthorised one who maybe sells the product at a lower price but also has a higher risk of malfunctioning. Aside from the basics, one way to know if an online store is trustworthy is to have sufficient company information on their website and offer good customer and technical service.
With all of these in mind, you are more than ready to purchase a portable fridge and have better storage for your food and drinks, may it be for camping, travelling, or just regular storage. Last but not least, never buy a fridge impulsively because such a purchase is something that could make or break your kitchen game.
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